Radia Plus Permanent Cooling Liquid PSA -35°C
Coolant ready to use. Do not dilute to preserve its qualities. For motor vehicles with or without an expansion tank. Comply with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Compatible with the majority of products meeting AFNOR 15-601 Type 3 standards. In case of doubt, drain and purge the entire circuit. Check the protection regularly and level the circuit. Optimum corrosion protection on light alloys at high temperatures. Anti-cavitation. Resistant to hard water. Little or no inorganic compounds. Anti-deposit at high temperatures. No foam. Performance in diesel engines (including high pressure and direct injection) and turbocharged or non-turbocharged petrol engines.
- Total absence of : Sodium nitrite, amines, phosphates and silicates.
- New organic formulation
- Based on an antifreeze that complies with the AFNOR 15-601 Type 3 standard
- Miscible with most standard products
- Anti-superheating
- Anti-corrosion
Packaging available